joi, 27 noiembrie 2014
SECRETUL de pe Marte! NASA ascunde imagini cu extratereștri! Rămâi ȘOCAT dacă vezi asta!
Potrivit acestuia, pe planeta Marte au avut loc tot felul de evenimente bizare pe care specialiștii nu și le pot explica. Uneori, aparatura de specialitate de pe planetă era plină de praf, dar ca prin minune, cineva venea să o curețe.
Curioși să înțeleagă ce se petrece, oamenii de știință au făcut o serie de fotografii în care apăreau difeite siluete de om. Unii spun că este vorba despre oameni misterioși, alții spun că avem de-a face cu prezențe extraterestre.
Oficialii NASA s-au ferit să dea declarații și au spus că este vorba doar de diferite umbre și nimic mai mult. Fotografiile sunt însă incredibile.
Sursa: Antena1
miercuri, 26 noiembrie 2014
Extraterestru prins in cursa de soareci in Mexic!
Lumea intreaga comenteaza aprins pe seama fotografiilor din Mexic, unde niste fermieri ar fi gasit, intr-o capcana pentru soareci, un pui de extraterestru. Nici tara noastra nu ar fi fost ocolita de OZN-uri, conform raportarilor de la ASFAN.
Alien Atmospheres
Since the early 1990's, astronomers have known that extrasolar planets, or "exoplanets," orbit stars light-years beyond our own solar system. Although most exoplanets are too distant to be directly imaged, detailed studies have been made of their size, composition, and even atmospheric makeup - but how? By observing periodic variations in the parent star's brightness and color, astronomers can indirectly determine an exoplanet's distance from its star, its size, and its mass. But to truly understand an exoplanet astronomers must study its atmosphere, and they do so by splitting apart the parent star's light during a planetary transit.
Although most of the planets outside of our solar system (called "exoplanets") are too distant to be seen, astronomers have developed indirect methods to determine their size, mass, and even their atmospheric makeup - taking us one step closer to finding a world like our own.
Extraterestri chiar exista?
O romanca sustine ca a fost rapita de extraterestri si ca a nascut dupa intalnirea de gradul patru. Afla povestea unui caz unic in Romania
Rapirile unor oameni de catre OZN-uri sau extraterestri sunt, de mai bine de 60 de ani, subiecte de film, carte si mai ales... de gluma. Cand semeni apropiati noua pretind ca au avut intalniri de gradul patru poti sa razi pe seama lor, sa-i trimiti la psihiatru sau pur si simplu sa-i ignori.
Ancient Aliens seasons
Ancient Aliens is an American television series that premiered on April 20, 2010 on the History channel. Produced by Prometheus Entertainment, the program presents hypotheses of ancient astronauts and proposes that historical texts, archaeology and legends contain evidence of past human-extraterrestrial contact. The show has been criticized for presenting pseudoscience and pseudohistory.
The series' de facto pilot was a TV special of the same name that aired on March 8, 2009, on the History channel. Seasons 1–3 aired on the same channel until 2011. Beginning in 2012 with season 4, the series began airing on H2. Season 7 began on H2 in October 2014.
The executive producer of Ancient Aliens is Kevin Burns, who also directed and wrote the pilot episode. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos serves as consulting producer and appeared on screen in the pilot. Erich von Däniken appeared in the pilot episode, and UFO researcher C. Scott Littleton served as an expert consultant for the show until his death in 2010.
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